Recycle plastic bottles for cash in 2025

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Recycling plastic bottles and caps is a great way to help the environment and earn extra cash.

If you live in a state with bottle deposit laws, commonly known as bottle redemption, you can easily make money by collecting plastic bottles and caps and returning them to a local recycling center. These laws require beverage distributors to charge a small deposit fee on every bottle or can sold, which is refunded to the consumer when they return the empty container for recycling.

By collecting and returning these bottles and caps, you not only get your deposit back but also earn some extra cash. The amount of money you can make from recycling plastic bottles and caps depends on your state, the type of container, and the recycling center’s policies.

However, you can earn a few cents for every bottle or cap you return. So start collecting those plastic bottles and caps today and do your part in protecting the environment while also earning some extra cash!

Plastic recycling is a crucial step in reducing the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans. One of the easiest ways to help the environment is to learn about the different types of plastic that can be recycled. Here are a few examples:

  • PET or PETE: This type of plastic is commonly used to make clear bottles and is mostly found in food or drink packaging.
  • PP: This is a durable type of plastic frequently used in medicine bottles, yogurt containers, and other food packaging.
  • LDPE: Squeeze bottles are often made with this type of plastic.
  • HDPE: This type of plastic is used in opaque plastic bottles.

If you’re looking to recycle plastic for cash, there are various options available. Recycling centers, scrap yards, and some community organizations may accept plastic, but it’s important to check with them first to see what types they accept.

You can also search online for “plastic recycling centers near me” to find locations in your area. Remember that recycling plastic helps the environment and saves energy and reduces the resources needed to produce new plastic products.

How can I make money recycling plastic bottles?

If you reside in a state that has implemented bottle deposit laws, you can earn some extra cash while recycling plastic bottles. These laws incentivize people to return empty, clean plastic bottles to designated recycling centers for a refundable deposit. However, if you live in a state without bottle bills, you can still participate in curbside recycling programs or drop off your recyclables at designated centers, but unfortunately, you won’t be paid for your efforts.

If you’re interested in earning money from recycling plastic bottles, you should consider relocating to one of the ten states that have a bottle bill in place. In these states, you will receive a refundable deposit of between 5 and 10 cents per plastic bottle, depending on your location.

You can recycle various plastic bottles, including mineral water bottles, soda water bottles, and carbonated soft drink bottles. By participating in this initiative, you not only earn some extra cash but also contribute to the environment by reducing plastic waste and promoting recycling.

Here’s a list of states with bottle deposit laws and the amounts you can earn.


In California, there is a program called the California Redemption Value (CRV) that allows residents to earn money by recycling beverage containers. If you live in California, you can earn 5¢ for every container less than 24 oz., and 10¢ for every container that is 24 oz. or greater.

This applies to all plastic, glass, or bi-metal containers, whether filled with water, soda, or any other beverage. The program aims to encourage recycling and reduce the amount of waste in the environment while providing a financial incentive for individuals to participate in sustainable practices.


You can earn money by collecting and returning any plastic, glass, or metal container, such as cans, bottles, jars, or cartons. However, HDPE containers are excluded from this program.

Returning eligible containers will earn you a cash refund of 5 cents per container. So start collecting those recyclables and earn money while also helping the environment!


In Hawaii, you can earn 5¢ for every plastic, aluminum, bi-metal, or glass container you return. This program applies to any container up to 68 ounces in size.

So, if you have any eligible containers, you can exchange them for cash at a participating redemption center. It’s an easy and convenient way to earn extra money while also helping to keep Hawaii clean and beautiful.


In Iowa, you can earn a cash reward of 5 cents for every container that you return. This means you can receive money by bringing back any can, bottle, jar, or carton made from plastic, glass, or metal. The program is part of the state’s initiative to promote recycling and reduce waste. So, next time you have empty containers, remember to return them and earn extra cash while helping the environment.


Maine has implemented a program that enables you to earn some extra cash by returning certain types of containers that are four liters or less and made from plastic, glass, or metal. Under this program, you can earn a refund of 15 cents for wine and liquor bottles and 5 cents for all other types of containers.

This initiative aims to promote recycling and waste reduction in the state while providing a financial incentive to encourage people to participate in the program. So, if you have any eligible containers in your home, you can take them to a participating redemption center and receive a cash refund for each one.


Massachusetts has introduced a recycling incentive program that offers a cash reward of 5¢ for every plastic, glass, metal, or combination can, bottle, jar, or carton returned for recycling. This program aims to promote responsible waste management practices and reduce the amount of recyclable materials in landfills.

It is important to note that this program excludes biodegradable materials and only accepts items made from plastic, glass, metal, or a combination thereof. So, if you have any recyclable items lying around, take advantage of this program and do your part in helping protect the environment.

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In Michigan, there is a redemption reward program that allows you to earn money for recycling certain types of containers. The program applies to containers made of plastic, metal, paper, or glass and are less than one gallon in size. If you recycle beverage containers, you can earn a redemption reward of 10 cents per container.

This program is a great way to promote recycling and reduce waste in Michigan, while also allowing individuals to earn a little extra money through responsible disposal of their containers.

New York

Did you know that in New York, you can earn 5 cents for every bottle, can, or jar that is less than one gallon and made from plastic, steel, glass, metal, or aluminum?

This means that you can recycle these items and receive a cash reward for doing so. It’s a great way to promote green practices, help the environment, and earn extra money.


Oregon has an excellent recycling program where you can get paid to return your used beverage containers. For every plastic, metal, or glass bottle, can, or jar you bring to a participating center, you will receive a refund of 10¢.

This is a great incentive to recycle and help keep our environment clean and healthy. So, don’t throw away your used beverage containers anymore; take them to the recycling center and earn some extra cash while doing your part for the planet.


Vermont has implemented a recycling program that rewards individuals for properly disposing of certain types of containers. Specifically, any container made from plastic, glass, metal, paper, or a combination of these materials is eligible for the program.

When you bring in a qualifying container, you can receive a cash payout of either 5¢ or 15¢ depending on the type of container. Liquor containers will earn you 15¢, while all other qualifying containers earn 5¢. This program incentivizes individuals to recycle and reduce waste in order to promote a cleaner and more sustainable environment.

Where can I recycle plastic for cash near me?

Did you know that in certain states with bottle bills, you can recycle plastic bottles and earn some cash in return?

These bottle bills require beverage distributors to add a deposit to the cost of each beverage container sold. The deposit is refunded to the consumer when the container is returned for recycling. This provides an incentive to recycle instead of throwing away plastic bottles.

If you’re interested in recycling plastic for cash, there are a variety of places you can go, such as:

1. Bottle and can redemption centers

If you’re looking to turn your plastic bottles and other recyclables into cash, you may be able to do so at a redemption center. These centers are typically found in states that have bottle deposit laws.

These laws require retailers to charge a small fee on certain beverage containers at the time of purchase. The fee is refunded to customers when they return the empty container to a redemption center.

To find a redemption center near you, simply search online using Google or your preferred search engine. Type in the phrase “bottle redemption near me,” and you’ll be presented with a list of nearby centers that offer cash for bottles, cans, and other containers.

This process can be a great way to earn some extra money while also doing your part to help the environment. By recycling your plastic bottles, you’re keeping them out of landfills and reducing waste in our oceans and waterways. Plus, you’re helping to conserve natural resources by keeping materials in circulation and reducing the need for new production.

2. Grocery stores

If you live in a state that has bottle deposit laws, you may be able to recycle plastic bottles and other recyclables at your local grocery store or supermarket. To find out if your local store has a recycling machine, you can ask an employee or check behind the store or in the parking lot.

Once you have located the machine, you can load your recyclables. The machine will typically print out a slip of paper that you can redeem for cash at the store’s cashier. This makes it a convenient and easy way to recycle your plastic bottles and earn some extra money while you’re at it.

By taking advantage of this service, you can make recycling a regular part of your shopping routine and help reduce plastic waste in landfills. So the next time you’re at the grocery store, don’t forget to bring along your plastic bottles and other recyclables and make a positive impact on the environment.

3. Gas stations and convenience stores

If you live in one of the states with a bottle bill, you may get cash by returning your empty bottles, cans, and other items. Many gas stations and convenience stores in these states offer bottle redemption programs, allowing you to receive a refund for each qualifying bottle or container you return.

To find out if your local gas station or convenience store participates in such a program, you can call or visit them and ask. They may have specific requirements or limitations on what they will accept, so it’s important to get all the details before you start saving up your bottles and cans for redemption.

How much money can I make recycling plastic?

You can earn extra cash by recycling plastic bottles in states with bottle bills. Depending on your state, you can earn anywhere from $0.05 to $0.10 per bottle returned. For example, if you have 50 plastic bottles to recycle, you could earn $2.50 in a state that pays 5 cents per container or $5 in a state that pays 10 cents per container.

While this may not seem like a lot of money, it’s important to remember that this is essentially money for something you would otherwise consider trash. The more plastic bottles your household uses, the more money you can make. You could earn even more if your family drinks a lot of bottled mineral water or soft drinks.

If you’re interested in earning extra cash through bottle recycling, you’ll need to source bottles from places beyond your home. Consider collecting bottles from local parks or beaches, or reaching out to friends and neighbors to see if they want to get rid of any bottles. With some effort, you could turn your bottle recycling into a steady source of extra income.

How to find extra plastic bottles to recycle

If you want to make extra money by recycling, then you’re in luck. Recycling plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and glass bottles is a great way to earn cash from something you might otherwise throw out.

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To make the most of this opportunity, you need to gather as many recyclables as possible. The more plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and glass bottles you have, the more money you can make.

Fortunately, there are many places where you can find recyclables.

Friends and family

If you’re looking for a way to collect plastic bottles for recycling, a simple solution is to ask your friends and family if they have any they would be willing to give to you. Many people have plastic bottles they don’t know what to do with, so they are often happy to have someone take care of them.

You can offer to pick up the bottles from their homes or arrange a drop-off point to make it more convenient. This is an easy and effective way to reduce plastic waste and promote recycling in your community.


If you’re concerned about the environment and want to make a positive change, recycling is one of the simplest ways to start. One way to do this is by asking your neighbors if they have any plastic you could recycle for them.

There are likely neighbors around you who don’t recycle their plastic, and they would be happy to give these unwanted recyclables to you. Not only will this help you in your recycling efforts, but it will also help to reduce the amount of waste in your community.

However, it’s essential to get your neighbor’s permission before getting their plastic and don’t just go rooting through their trash without asking. Doing so is illegal in many states and is also considered poor etiquette. So, make sure you approach your neighbors politely and explain your intentions. You can also offer to help them start their recycling efforts if they are interested. This way, you can work together to create a more environmentally friendly community.

Bars and restaurants

If you’re looking for a way to earn some extra cash while doing your part for the environment, consider offering to pick up empty bottles and cans from local bars and restaurants. You can collect plastic bottles and other types of recyclable materials that these establishments may have. This can be a great way to earn extra money while doing something good for the community.

To get started, contact local bars and restaurants and ask if they are interested in partnering with you. You can offer to collect their empty bottles and cans and take them to a recycling center for cash. Some establishments may be hesitant to participate, but many will be willing to work with you, especially if you offer them a convenient pickup schedule that works for both parties.

When picking up recyclables, be sure to sort them properly according to the recycling guidelines in your area. This ensures that the materials will be properly recycled and that you’ll get the highest possible payout for your efforts.

Overall, this is a win-win situation for everyone involved. The bars and restaurants get rid of their unwanted containers, you make some extra money, and the environment benefits from recycling these materials.


If you’re interested in collecting discarded plastic at your workplace, it’s always a good idea to ask management for their permission first. However, many businesses would be delighted to have someone willing to help them recycle and reduce their environmental impact.

Once you have permission, you can set up a separate bin in the break room and attach a note that says “plastic recyclables only.” This will make it clear to your colleagues what should be placed in the bin and help them understand the importance of recycling plastic.

It’s important to ensure that the plastic doesn’t pile up, as this could make your workplace look untidy and upset management. To prevent this from happening, you should prioritize checking the bin daily, either during lunch or after work. This will allow you to stay on top of the plastic collection and ensure the bin is always ready to receive more recyclables.

Outdoor spaces

It’s disheartening to see how often people litter, leaving plastic bottles scattered on the ground in outdoor areas.

If you’re someone who’s looking to collect extra plastic bottles for recycling or other purposes, there are a few places you can check. Sidewalks, parks, roadsides, parking lots, and even under bushes can be good spots to find discarded plastic bottles.

Public areas like the beach or parks can also be litter hubs, especially after events like street fairs, concerts, festivals, marathons, and other sports events. Not only can picking up litter earn you some extra cash, but it also positively impacts the environment and can make your community look cleaner and more appealing.

No bottle deposit laws in your state? Recycle aluminum cans!

Only ten states in the US have bottle bill laws that allow consumers to redeem their used bottles for cash. If you live in one of the other 40 states, you may not be able to make money from recycling your plastic bottles.

While recycling centers exist in most areas, they typically don’t pay for recyclables. However, a company called TerraCycle provides points for qualifying waste items, which can be redeemed for a donation to a charity of your choice.

It is important to note that TerraCycle no longer pays individuals to recycle their plastic bottles but instead offers points redeemable for charitable donations. However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t make money from recycling your plastic bottles. Instead, you might want to consider recycling aluminum cans, which can still fetch a decent price.

Even if you don’t live in a state with bottle deposit laws, you can still earn money by recycling aluminum cans. However, outside of the bottle bill states, you won’t be paid per can but rather based on the weight of the cans you collect.

It’s important to note that the market value for aluminum is always fluctuating, so it’s a good idea to stay updated on current prices. One useful resource for this is the iScrap App, which allows you to check the current prices for aluminum cans. Currently, the average price for aluminum cans is around $0.64 per pound.

The bottom line

If you reside in any of the ten states in the US that have bottle redemption laws, you have an excellent opportunity to earn some extra cash by recycling plastic containers. These states include California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, New York, Oregon, and Vermont.

Under these laws, you can earn anywhere from 5 cents to 10 cents per plastic container, depending on your state. Moreover, you can also get paid to recycle other materials like aluminum cans and glass bottles.

Recycling is not only an excellent way to earn extra money but also an environmentally friendly way to dispose of waste. By recycling, you help to reduce energy consumption and air pollution, conserve natural resources, and reduce the amount of waste in landfills.

So, if you want to earn extra cash while helping the environment, start recycling today!